is an air rifle considered a firearm in texas

11-18. This section shall not prohibit the firing of BB guns by adults or minors under direct adult supervision who are on private property owned or occupied by the supervisor. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Adult means any person who is 18 years of age or older.Air rifle means air rifles and any other type of gun which uses compressed air, gas, or a compressed spring to project a BB, metal pellet, or similar projectile, including BB guns and pellet guns.Child means any person who is younger than 18 years of age.Firearm means any device designed, made, or adapted to expel a projectile through a barrel by using the energy generated by an explosive or burning substance or any device readily convertible to that use.Range means any public or private facility at which firearms or weapons training or practice, or both, is conducted under controlled circumstances intended to encourage the safe handling of firearms or weapons and at which procedures or facilities are in place that are intended to prevent any projectiles from causing any damage to persons or property. This provision does not apply to a certified peace officer in the course of his duty. WEAPONS Lumberton, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge an air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs, or any other means is capable of discharging shots, pellets or any solid object over any easement, street, alley, park, road, highway, right-of-way or over the private property line of someone other than his own without the written consent of such person, and provided such discharge does not violate any laws of the state. 42-31. Penal Code 1.07(a)(17)(A) (Vernon 1994). Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Air rifle means air rifles and any other type of gun which uses compressed air, gas or a compressed spring to project a projectile of any kind, and includes a BB gun.Sec. (Code 1964, 17-3; Ord. 10-10. 1577, 19, 8-1-2006). (b)Any person violating this section shall be subject to the penalties in section 1-12(Code 1981, 11.1, 11.2)State law reference Authority of municipality to regulate the discharge of firearms, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 217.003, 229.001(b), 229.002, 343.003. Those weapons which are specifically prohibited include: (1) Any instrument readily capable of inflicting serious bodily injury by striking a person with the instrument, including but not limited to: (3) Any device designed, made or adapted to expel a projectile through a barrel by using the energy generated by an exploding or burning substance, by compressed air or gases or by any device readily convertible to that use, including but not limited to: a. Rifles.b. Prohibited acts. IN GENERAL Weslaco, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Unlawful to discharge or launch bullet, pellet, BB, etc.It shall be unlawful for any person to damage any property, public or private, within the corporate limits of the city by the discharge or launching of any bullet, pellet, BB, missile, explosive device, or other projectile. (2)Such person was exercising a right conferred by law, including but not limited to the making of a lawful arrest, the lawful prevention of a crime, or the lawful exercise of the right of self-defense. WEAPONS Texas City, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. It shall likewise hereinafter be unlawful for any person to discharge any air gun or air rifle of any description within the corporate limits of the City of Keller, Texas. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Jacinto City, Texas Code of OrdinancesSECTION 17: MISCELLANEOUS PROHIBITIONSA.DISCHARGING AIR RIFLESIt shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air gun or air rifle of any description in the City.B.DEFACING OR DESTROYING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTYIt shall be unlawful to injure, tamper, break, destroy, or deface, or assist in injuring, breaking, destroying or defacing any bridge, fence, building, schoolhouse, church, depot or other public or private building or structure, street sign, lamp post, electric line or pole, electric lamp or any appurtenance thereto, alarm box, hydrant or any other public or private property within the City.C.DISCHARGING FIREARMS IN CITYIt shall be unlawful for any person to fire or discharge any gun, pistol, rifle, or other firearm of any description in the City.This Subsection shall not apply when such firing is done in the necessary and lawful protection of ones person, premises or property, unless such firing be recklessly or negligently done. 4-11. IN GENERAL Live Oak, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Firearm. 1, sec. No. (b)No person, other than a licensed police officer, acting within the course and scope of his duties as a police officer, shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, within the corporate limits of the city, any air rifle, air gun or air pistol of any kind or description, by whatever name it is known, which by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs or any other means is capable of discharging and propelling shots, pellets or any solid object for a distance greater than 50 feet. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a peace officer in the discharge of his duties, to discharge any gun, pistol or firearm of any kind, or discharge an air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known, within the corporate limits of the city. (Code 1974, 13-5; Ord. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them:Air gun means any weapon discharged and fired by means of forced air and shall be held to include, but is not limited to, the following: air rifles, air guns, air pistols, BB guns and other similar air-propelled weapons.Firearm means any weapon from which a shot is discharged by an explosion and shall include, but is not limited to, the following: pistols, rifles, shotguns, sawed-off shotguns, machine guns, tear gas guns and other such similar weapons.Pellet gun means any firearm, gun or weapon which fires or discharges a pellet, shot, ball or cartridge.Spring gun means any spring-operated gun or weapon which fires or discharges a shot, cartridge, ball, pellet or other projectile.Zip gun means any weapon made or constructed generally of pipe or tubing and operated or discharged by rubber or elastic force. ARTICLE 7.400 DISCHARGING OF GUNS AND PISTOLS [8](a)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun or pistol within the corporate limits of the City of Justin, except as hereinafter provided. Chapter 38 OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Carthage, Texas Code of Ordinances. IN GENERAL Roma, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (a) Unlawful action. 18-9. It shall likewise hereinafter be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air gun or air rifle of any description in, on or across, or near to any public place, park, street or alley within the corporate limits of the city. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, shoot, propel, hurl or fire any air gun, air pistol, BB gun, pellet gun, dart gun or similar gun of any description, kind or species, or any bow and arrow (whether hand or mechanically operated), slingshot, catapult or similar devices, or any nunchakas or other martial arts or dangerous weapons of any kind within the corporate limits of the city. Chapter 12 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND OFFENSES Kennedale, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. ARTICLE I. (b)It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any paintball gun or paintball marker or air gun or air rifle or BB gun, of any description, within the corporate limits of the city. The specific kind of handgun determines whether . ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Plano, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. 32-21. (A)It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any rifle, pistol or other firearm which discharges and propels a single bullet, slug or other single missile within the city limits. (Ordinance 7, adopted 3/22/56), DIVISION 15. IN GENERAL Palestine, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (c)This section shall not prevent the reasonable discharge of a weapon for the necessary and lawful protection of ones person, premises or property, unless such discharge be done in a reckless or negligent manner. 66-138. Discharge of firearms or air-guns. (b) Air-guns. SameExceptions from provisions.The provisions of section 15-6 shall not apply to:(1)Peace officers, and security officers commissioned by the state;(2)Gunsmiths discharging firearms brought to them for repairs;(3)Discharge of guns or pistols for training purposes with the permission and at a place approved by the chief of police; or(4)Shooting in galleries licensed by the city; or(5)Discharge of any air rifle or any firearm with the advance written permission of the chief of police or a designated representative upon a finding that such discharge serves the general health, safety, welfare and education of the community and that such discharge can occur safely.(Ord. 90-2, 2, 2-1-1990; Ord. View: 48 96 144 | 146 Products. (A) Definitions. ARTICLE I. 58-85. (Code 1993, 15-61). Discharging weapon.It shall be unlawful for any person to fire or discharge any gun, pistol, rifle or firearm, BB gun, air gun or other such instrument of any description within the city. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, fire, explode, use or set off any kind or character of firearm, water pistol, air gun, air rifle, air pistol or similar device, on, upon or across any public street, alley, square, park or public property within the city; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall apply to duly authorized police officers, sheriffs, constables and other law enforcing officers of the city, state, county or nation. Upon receipt of such request, the chief of police shall investigate said application. (Ordinance 19, Book II, adopted 6-15-59)ARTICLE 1.2100 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CITY GREENSPACE Spring Valley Village, Texas Code of Ordinances 1.2103 RegulationsIt shall be unlawful for any person to:(q)Possess or use an air gun or paint gun in the greenspace. 24-14. 6466, 1A, 2-15-2000). 54. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge by firing or activating, a BB gun, pellet gun, air rifle or spring gun upon public or private property within the city limits of the City of Bellaire. Before purchasing an air gun or arrow gun, a hunter should check the specifications to ensure they meet minimum caliber and muzzle velocity or muzzle energy requirements as listed in the Outdoor Annual. Govt Code, 215.001. This section does not apply to acts done in an area designated by the city for such purpose or to a person who is licensed to carry and lawfully carrying a concealed handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code and Chapter 46, Penal Code.B.No person shall possess a handgun except as provided in City Code Section 10.12.020(Ord. Discharge of firearms, bows and arrows, etc.It shall be unlawful for any person, except peace officers or any person at the direction of a peace officer, to discharge any gun, pistol or other firearm of any description or shoot an air-gun, air pistol, arrow or bow and arrow, by whatever means within the city, except in places licensed therefor and while lawfully shooting therein. It shall also be unlawful for any parent or those in charge of or charged with the duty of the custody of minor children to permit such children to fire or discharge any firearms within the city.(c)Exceptions. Squirrels, pheasant, quail, and chachalaca may . 24-13.1. 2008-04-17-0317, 3, 4-17-08)Editors noteOrd. (B)It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air gun, air rifle, air pistol or like device within the city limits or within 2,000 feet of any structure, whether that structure is within or without the limits of the city, or from or across any public street, road or highway within the limits of the city.

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is an air rifle considered a firearm in texas

is an air rifle considered a firearm in texas