why take strontium on empty stomach

Finally, I dont know what your current BMD is or risk for osteoporosis because of the specifics regarding your health, but if you are at high risk for fracture, then taking the dose of strontium provided by Strontium Boost for 6 months, then testing, would be my suggestion. I take a 1000 mcg. 16/04/2012 18:14. I suggest you ask your doctor to run a test to have your vitamin A levels checked, and if they are not well within the normal range, that you consider supplementing with an amount of vitamin A comparable to the amount of vitamin D3 you consume. Back in 2009, I wrote several medical journal articles about all this, which are still posted free access on the Longevity Medicine Review website. If you take 1,000 mg of calcium a day, split it into two or more doses over the day. I just had another DEXA scan and the results are also normal, but less good than 3 years ago. N Engl J Med better absorption than CaCO3 Lara. Previous GFR readings over the past 10 years have been as low as 56 but seem to hover in the high 50s to very low 60s. And taking a half dose of AlgaeCals calcium supplement should also be quite safe. Im barely osteopenic now, but continue to take 340 mg of strontium most days (I sometimes forget as I take mine with lunch, or I realize that I just ate a cup of yogurt so the calcium, which competes with strontium for absorption and will always win out over strontium, most likely blocked much benefit from the strontium that day). In other words, estrogen improved the rats ability to normally metabolize strontium; it did not decrease it. Highly unlikely that her kidney stone is due to taking a calcium supplement. You can send AlgaeCal a list of what it contains or send me a link to this supplement, so I can take a look for you, but its unlikely that it contains much calcium or amounts of any other nutrient that would be potentially problematic. So its incorporation of strontium which is less than 1 strontium ion for every 100 calcium ions even in trabecular bone is even less than cortical bone. Hope this helps. The common myth is that strontium supplementation results in larger concentrations of strontium in your bones. Re being insurance poor I am hoping that Dr. Grout will still be able to be helpful. Youll understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of strontiums bone-building effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Reginster, J. Y. So although optimally one would take the strontium 1 hour before breakfast and 3 hours after dinner (on an empty stomach) and the calcium at dinner with food to help absorption and at bedtime (but 3 hours after the strontium) to help sleep. topic. Total Magnesium 300mg. Women in the Plan 3 group, the group receiving the most nutritionally comprehensive supplement program (the one now available at https://blog.algaecal.com/, gained significantly more BMD than the other two groups. At all the applied doses, incorporation of strontium produced no significant change in the crystal lattice parameters, even if the ionic radius of Sr21 (1.13 ) is slightly larger than that of Ca21 (0.99 ) (Table 1). The bottom line is: Strontium citrate improves healthy bone mineralization and resistance to fracture. This may cause more side effects from saquinavir. Sorry to hear youre experiencing nausea not fun! We can learn from what works for others, but this does not necessarily mean it will be effective for each of us. PSif you are eating gluten-containing grains, I urge you to consider eliminating them (wheat, barley, rye). Hope this helps and feel free to let us know if you have any other questions! Thanks Mary. Its possible you reacted to something else you ate or were exposed to (environmental chemicals, bacteria, etc.) I was wondering what your opinion on giving dogs canned sardines in water is. Again, the study says nothing about strontium weakening bone structure. Hi Lara: Also, you want to consume approximately twice as much calcium (from food and supplements) as strontium. The drug makes your bones stronger and lowers your chances of getting fractures. In this thread, you said, the amount of strontium provided in the full dose is not 682 mg. Strontium Boost is strontium citrate, which is 31% elemental strontium and 69% citrate. I was a bit nervous about taking the strontium after reading certain websites, so the research has put my mind at ease. Calcium is also required for our nerves and muscles (including our cardiac muscle, the heart) to function properly. . Essential Elements Bone Boost Bone Health Supplement - Calcium, Vitamin D3, K2, Cissus Quadrangularis for Bone Strength - 90 Capsules (30 Day Supply) Features : Powerful Bone Health Supplement - Bone boost contains an expert-designed formula aimed at complete bone health support. Be well, 5 people found this helpful. You can learn more about Lara, her bone health journey, and years of experience on the left hand side of this article. Yes, the label is confusing. We lose strontium much more rapidly than calcium: three times as much strontium is lost in urine compared to calcium. PMID: 23877652 (Kinetics is the study of the rate at which chemical processes occur.) The links below will take you to those papers that do include information that applies to your question. Strontium Boost is safe for adults of all ages! Great article, it clears up my concern for safety and Strontium! Were so sorry to hear youre dealing with this! Environ Res. Also I find the lower dosage of calcium in AlgaeCal Plus to be more appealing than the plain (360 mg compared to 750 mg); however, I do wonder why does it contain so little calcium relative to the given dosage of strontium; it appears, from the studies and recommendations given on this website, that calcium intake should be greater than that of strontium intake? I do plan on continuing the algae cal plus but question if I need 4 capsules each day or if I can cut the dosage. Another fact: strontium is the only trace mineral present in human bone whose level in bone correlates with bone compressive strength, i.e., resistance to fracture. The other two Plans also used AlgaeCals plant calcium, but in differing amounts (750 mg in Plan 2, 756 mg in Plan 3), and with differing amounts of vitamin D3 ( 1,000 IU in Plan 2; 1,600 IU in Plan 3) and other bone health ingredients. Strontium is a . Also, sometimes crystals can form and deposit in a joint a thumb joint version of gout. In Your Bones, I explain how to determine if your diet is too high in protein for YOU. I do not personally know anything about Drs Best quality control, so I cannot vouch for this company. However, you may have heard some less-than-confidence inspiring things about strontium. MD? 350, 459-468. Please check the drugs you are taking especially if you are taking more than 1 prescription medication! If you have questions about supportive diet, supplement and lifestyle recommendations, I will do my best to be helpful provide you with useful information, but your mother really needs to be under the supervision and guidance of her doctor. It works best for me to take AlgaeCal Plus in the morning and evening and Strontium Boost with lunch. study, the exercises were conducted during short breaks from work at the office. You can definitely take your strontium first thing in the morning! Required fields are marked *. Minor bone loss starts at age 40, increasing to 0.5% to 0.9% a year in peri-menopausal women and to above 1% after menopause, after which the yearly loss in BMD remains about 1%. Can you give me some advice as to the best course I can take to prevent another fracture. They found 180 mcg was an effective dose, even for those whose initial levels of unOC were severely depressed. Would love to meet you if you live anywhere near. You are a brave and intelligent woman! Dialysis fluids may already contain high concentrations of strontium, so not surprisingly, some dialysis patients are known to have elevated bone strontium concentrations and a high strontium/calcium ratio in bone. SO delighted to have been able to give you helpful information! Your DXA will definitely give you the most important information you need to have, which is, Has my BMD improved?. The biochemical reason for this is that minerals each have an ionic charge that must be balanced in a salt, you have a cation and an anion a positively charged and negatively charged atom or atoms in the mineral and the organic compound with which it combines, that balance each other, so that a stable compound is formed. I take about 6000 ius of D3 daily and will be increasing to 7000 ius in order to get me blood level above 60 nG. Thanks for reaching out, Sharon! It is so helpful to have technical matters explained with such authority in understandable terms. So, the issue you bring up is an imporant and valid one. Meunier PJ, Slosman DO, Delmas PD, Sebert JL, Brandi ML, Albanese C, Lorenc R, Pors-Nielsen S, De Vernejoul MC, Roces A, Reginster JY. Thank you so much for all the information and support you have given us! That said, it is always best to check with your Doctor when it comes to this, and using AlgaeCal with any specific medical conditions, as we are not medical professionals. That supplement is broken up into AM and PM formulations. Because PTH exhibits an exaggerated response to any calcium, it is not considered a valid measurement by researchers in bone health. How old are you? Of course, the elemental vs. compound difference can explain the seeming dosage discrepancy. Let me repeat NO paper has ever shown that natural forms of strontium cause the ADRs seen with S. ranelate., Hi and thank you for this info.I began taking Algae Cal and Strontium boost about 3 weeks ago. Thanks, delighted you have found the blogs and Your Bones helpful. Natural strontium salts are safe (at reasonable dosages, of course) and highly beneficial. Yes, I take the full dose (2 capsules twice daily) of AlgaeCal Plus, but now that my bones are in great shape, I only take a half dose (1 capsule) of Strontium Boost. So Im here to set the record straight, Having reviewed the published research on the different forms of strontium: natural strontium, the strontium ranelate drug, along with the radioactive form of strontium, I can confidently assure you that the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, is a safe and effective bone health supporter. Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Don't take without approval from your healthcare provider. I ordered the AlgeaCal plus and the Strontium can I just take the calcium without the other and still see results with diet and exercise (elliptical 3 xs a week , kettlebell 3 xs a week and yoga 2 xs per week? Heres a link: http://meridianvalleylab.com/ Once you know this, subtract this amount from 1,500 mg (if you are postmenopausal and not on bio-identical hormone replacement) or 1,200 if you are pre-menopause or postmenopausal and on BHRT. Epub 2012 Apr 23. Hope this helps, Lara. Please keep me posted on how you are doing. AlgaeCal Plus provides the key nutrients our bones must have to maintain themselves, regardless of our age, and in amounts shown in the research to be sufficient for most people. In the research, approximately 50% of the increase seen in BMD over 3 years of treatment with strontium was due to strontiums larger size, AND 50% of the increase seen in BMD was accurate. Hi Kay, A few other things to keep in mind regarding strontium and calcium: I am currently taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost daily, for 2 years now. To regulate my INR levels I have to be careful with vitamin k. Is strontium citrate safe for me? Re lactoferrin, it looks quite promising. If strontium promoted hair loss, dont you think it would have been noted in the last 100 years in the many thousands of subjects taking strontium in numerous clinical trials? My results have TOTALLY convinced me. An acidic pH, which many of us typically have because we eat the standard Western diet, contributes to bone loss. And if I can beat it, truly, anyone can! One study is 2004 and one is 2012 and rely on use of the ranelate version of strontium not citrate. By 120 h, the increase was statistically significant at 0.68 0.07 and 0.93 0.05, respectively. Im 63 years old, too isnt is great how much fun it is to be all grown up now that we can stay strong and healthy! Strontium does not cause hair loss, so we need to look elsewhere to determine why that is occurring. Everyone is different, so high end of normal may be normal for your body. of Missouri-Kansas City; Director of Residency Research in Pathology, Truman Medical Center.. Please do give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 where our Bone Health Consultants can go through your medication list to see how to best incorporate AlgaeCal into your current medication/supplement schedule. As you know, our bones continue to remodel throughout our lives, so the therapies used to support healthy bones must be ones we can rely on long-term. Ive seen this mentioned in comments on several websites. I am 48 and not yet menopaused. You can, however, run another type of test that will show you whether you are continuing to lose bone every month until your results show you are no longer losing bone and are stable. The good news here is that you do not need to be stressed out about this! I have discussed this isssue now with a number of physicians docs whom I feel are among the smartest on the planet and all are in agreement that 680 mg may not be the best long-term choice. If it does replace calcium, where does the 1200 mg of calcium go? . 2010 Oct 8;11:229. Most of the recent research on strontium has been done on strontium ranelate because it is patentable by a drug company since it is a combination of strontium plus ranelic acid a molecule never before seen on planet Earth and therefore patentable. Will the strontium interfere with these medications? AlgaeCal is ecologically Harvested by hand / Aquamin is harvested via dredging, which silts flora and fauna Meunier, P. J., Roux, C., Seeman, E., Ortolani, S., Badurski, J. E., Spector, T. D., FYI I am NOT paid by AlgaeCal to promote its products. Dont be fooled by the strontium critics. However, because you have significant bone loss (-2.45 in your left hip), you need to avail yourself of all natural, safe means of restoring the health of your bones. I also often add a handful of organic nuts (walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, almonds, cashews, pecansetc.) Is a high blood level dangerous? Research conducted by AlgaeCal (which BTW is VERY unusual since supplements of natural compounds cannot be patented, so very few companies spend the $ on research), pitting its algae-derived calcium against calcium carbonate and calcium citrate in head to head studies a human osteoblast study and two human studies convinced me to try it. How much vitamin D3 (I hope she takes D3 as it is significantly more effective for us than D2) is she taking? Above you describe that secondly S booster can feed unfriendly bacteria. When the feeling of empty stomach is caused by genuine hunger, eating food immediately mitigates the sensation. Thanks so much! Be well! Dr. Wright discusses this in Stay Young & Sexy with BHRT. Two hours after eating is a crude rule of thumb. Strontium is an excellent adjunct to other promoters of healthy teeth and bones. If the blood clot lodges in the lungs, its called pulmonary embolism. I want to build bone but am apprehensive about replacing calcium with strontium. i do notyetstill egfr in 80s. Hope this helps and if you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out to our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 . Ammann P, Shen V, Robin B, Mauras Y, Bonjour JP, Rizzoli R. Service of Bone Diseases, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Osteoporosis Prevention, Geneva 14 CH-1211, Switzerland. Reach out to our bone health taking Algae Cal and strontium Boost safe! Pecansetc. let me repeat NO paper has ever shown that natural forms strontium... This info.I began taking Algae Cal and strontium Boost about 3 weeks.... As much strontium is an excellent adjunct to other promoters of healthy teeth and bones for,. Please keep me posted on how you are taking more than 1 medication... A half dose of AlgaeCals calcium supplement should also be quite safe and taking a calcium supplement also. 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why take strontium on empty stomach

why take strontium on empty stomach