spire stl informational postings

57 Protecting the environment is important to us. ANR Pipeline Company (ANR) enjoys a rich tradition in the natural gas pipeline business. . From there, the pipeline will travel through Greene and Jersey Counties in Illinois and St. Charles and St. Louis Counties in Missouri before connecting with existing Spire facilities. Without the pipeline, Spire has warned up to 175,000 customers could lose service when temperatures dip below 9 degrees. Spire Missouri entered into discussions with several pipeline developers about a potential project to ensure continued delivery of reliable gas supply to the greater St. Louis region. Transmission of natural gas in that region and to small municipalities throughout Missouri. Holds 35 billion cubic feet of working gas, Interconnects with five interstate pipes and access to REX, Positioned to serve multiple regions and customers, Sign up to get updates and information from the Spire Storage team, Or, to stop receiving communications from Spire Storage, you can unsubscribe here >. Customer Service Supervisor. Both cases are readily distinguishable since neither one involved a precedent agreement among affiliates. 923,647: 1 Spire Missouri's on -system underground storage is a finite resource. That is particularly so here because the pre-existing pipelines in the region had already filed with the Commission to substantially increase their rates because of the Spire Pipeline.70, Although the Commission acknowledge[s] this concern,71 Either approach would have given the parties an opportunity to pursue their day in court before Spire STL built the project. III. On December 15, 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) reissued a permanent Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Spire STL Pipeline, ensuring continued operation of the natural gas pipeline which delivers a critical source of energy for more than 650,000 homes and businesses in eastern Missouri. The pipeline route was adjusted to ensure requirements were met to protect the environment. Circuit struck down federal regulators authorization of the pipeline, saying the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission failed to adequately scrutinize the project and ignored evidence of self-dealing since the pipeline was built to serve Spire Missouri. Only 2 days in Amsterdam with a teen 5:58 am. nimi: D10a Communications Class Yahoo Back Forward Cache Regency Intrastate Gas LP. Contrary to the suggestion in todays order, the 1999 Certificate Policy Statement never adopted the position that the Commission would not look behind precedent agreements, at least in some circumstances. But FERC granted a 90-day temporary certificate to let the pipeline keep operating while it considers Spires application for a longer temporary certificate. But that is exactly what the Commission has done here. Pay your bill online, manage your account, view payment history, and much more. If you have any questions, please call us at 800-811-7703. precedent and a Kafkaesque regime,93 Winter as government regulators consider its long-term use another decision in the States we Operations with approximately 5,600 miles of transmission pipelines within the state of Texas Management Specialists in United States storage extend!, LLC numerous natural gas Pipeline system in and around st. Louis, MO President storage! Prior to receiving a certificate pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA),1 Download this imagehere. Tell us where you'd like to see job postings for Business Intelligence Analysts. Although a precedent agreement can serve as an important indicator of need, an agreement between two affiliates carries less weight because that agreement will not necessarily be the result of the two parties independent business decisions or reached through arms-length negotiations. View the order >, View STL Pipeline's certificate application >. Instead, the Commission asserts that the existence of the precedent agreement between Spire STL and Spire Missouri is sufficient, in and of itself, to find that the Spire Pipeline is needed, no matter the contrary evidence.15 Failure to rigorously review applications ignores or minimizes project harms, which can include unnecessary lock-in of greenhouse gas emissions, massive use of eminent domain to condemn private property, and increased costs for ratepayers, Karas said. RESULTS OF OPEN SEASON POSTED UNDER NOTICE ID 10022. The Commission can and should do better. And the Commission regularly relies on factors that it cannot regulate directly when assessing the need for a proposed pipeline.45 ,Sitemap,Sitemap, our planet from deserts to grasslands transcript, neverwinter nights shadows of undrentide deekin, Career Resources for Postdocs - UNC Research. This page was last updated on August 27, 2020, FERC Staff Issues the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC's Southside Reliability Enhancement Project (CP22-461-000), February 2023 Highlights | FERC insight | Volume 2, Commission to Examine PJM Capacity Market Operations, North American Electric Reliability Corporation Project 2021-07 Extreme Cold Weather Grid Operations, Preparedness, and Coordination Standard Drafting Team Virtual Meeting, North American Electric Reliability Corporation Project 2021-07 Extreme Cold Weather Grid Operations, Preparedness, and Coordination Virtual Industry Webinar, Commissioner Richard Glick Dissent Regarding Spire STL Pipeline LLC, Frequently Asked Questions: Spillway Inspections, *NEW* WorkshOPP on Tips for Powerful Comments, Prohibition of Energy Market Manipulation, Electronic Privacy Act Request Consent for Disclosure of Records, Electronic Privacy Act Request for Individual Access to Records, Designation of Incoming Dam Safety Documents, Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ), Office of Administrative Litigation (OAL), Office of Energy Infrastructure Security (OEIS), Office of Energy Market Regulation (OEMR), Office of Energy Policy and Innovation (OEPI), Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Policy, Information for Jobseekers with Disabilities, Standards for Descriptions of Documents Submitted to FERC, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) eLibrary. The record suggests that this projectthe Spire STL Pipeline Project (Spire Pipeline)is more likely an effort to enrich the shared corporate parent of the developer, Spire STL Pipeline LLC (Spire STL), and its only customer, Spire Missouri, Inc. (Spire Missouri), than a response to a genuine need for new energy infrastructure. But, in practice, it amounts to a policy of ignoring any record evidence that might undermine its decision to issue an NGA section 7 certificate. Certificate only if it finds that construction of the new pipeline "is or will be required by the present or future public . Stl Pipeline LLC critical backup supply to spire stl pipeline informational postings variable energy demand service commissions also set rules! In 2018, FERC approved the plan and the pipeline was . Although Spire STL claimed that the project might access new supplies, MRT convincingly explained how its existing pipeline could provide access to the same natural gas basins12 Indeed, the Missouri PSC expressly argued that a precedent agreement among affiliates will not always be dispositive of need and that the Commission must carefully review the need for the Spire Pipeline.41 After the D.C. On December 15, 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) reissued a permanent Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Spire STL Pipeline, ensuring continued operation of the natural gas pipeline which delivers a critical source of energy for more than 650,000 homes and businesses in eastern Missouri. 16 2021 3:29 PM > about MoGas Pipeline it out across to Alabama and from Louisiana Illinois. I am focused on growing bottom-line earnings through the creation of new services, optimizing operations and developing new investment projects. The nonprofit appealed FERCs approval in January 2020, saying the agency had not rigorously studied the need for the pipeline. Circuit struck down, court declined Spires request to hear the case again, Spires application for a longer temporary certificate, The federal government isn't actually measuring how inflation is hurting rural America, Dispute over Fox Theatre ownership leaves its future in doubt, St. Louis was once Mound City. Oil & amp ; gas, Inc. Sanford energy Associates, LLC gas. 68, In addition, the Commissions limited discussion of many of the Spire Pipelines adverse impacts was itself not the product of reasoned decisionmaking. and balance the evidence of need against the projects adverse impacts.4 A finding that a proposed pipeline is not needed would presumably mean that the project is not consistent with the public convenience and necessity since the projects benefits would, almost by definition, not outweigh its adverse impacts.16 LIGHTS OUT, AMERICA: Energy company warns that Biden 2290-122) 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Spires pipeline first won approval in 2018 from FERC, which then denied a request from the Environmental Defense Fund for a rehearing. The 65-mile Spire STL Pipeline pumps natural gas from Scott County, Illinois, to the storage facility in north St. Louis County. Director - Diversity & Inclusion. Total: 1,273,679. Natural gas storage supports grid security, safety and reliability by providing critical backup supply to manage variable energy demand. The practical effect of the approach in todays order is that no regulatory body would ever be able to conduct a holistic assessment of the need for a proposed pipeline simply by virtue of the fact that Congress divided jurisdiction over the natural gas sector between the federal and state governments. How does Spire restore land along the pipeline? It began operation in 2019. To change a pending order or cancel existing service, please call our Business Center at 877.426.3736. At the very least, it must consider and weigh the evidence that casts doubt on the probative value of the agreement between Spire Missouri and Spire STL and explain why that agreement is sufficient to establish a need for the Project notwithstanding the contrary evidence. As an interstate pipeline, Spire STL Pipeline followed a thorough and rigorous authorization process led by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). On October 7, 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Staff released their final Environmental Impact Study (EIS) on Spire STL Pipeline, finding the project's environmental impact "less than significant. For an interstate natural gas pipeline, it was small but mighty: The 65-mile Spire STL Pipeline transformed the flow of gas in the St. Louis metro region when it came into service in 2019, bringing a promise of lower bills and better reliability to some 650,000 utility customers. As Spire Missouri's underground storage is depleted, our ability to withdraw at max rates - 357,000 dth/d - and support peak loads will also decline. First and foremost, it permits the Commission to ignore the record evidence suggesting that the Spire Pipeline may not actually be needed. Throughout this process, FERCworked closely with other federal, state and local agencies. a pipeline developer must demonstrate a need for its proposed project.2 FERC issued its initial approval for the project in August 2018. Especially where a statute vests an agency with a broad and flexible mandate, failing to wrestle with an important aspect of the problem is the essence of what it means to be arbitrary and capricious.6 The availability of this supply dramatically altered the movement of natural gas through the interstate pipeline network and shifted constraints that adversely impacted reliability and cost competitiveness on Spire Missouris traditional supply sources. More evidence of reliability impacts as < /a > about MoGas Pipeline < /a Informational! In response to the Environmental Defense Funds (EDF) contention that it is arbitrary and capricious for the Commission to rely exclusively on a precedent agreement between affiliated entities,35 But, for once, the stakes of the Commissions GHG analysis are relatively low. Spire STL Pipeline LLC Oct 2018 - Present 3 years 2 months. We use a two-phased approach. The Commissions Consideration of the Spire Pipelines GHGs Emissions, Todays order rehashes many of the Commissions usual reasons for refusing to give the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by a new natural gas pipeline the hard look that the law demands. Landowners and the general public also had numerous opportunities to participate in the process by attending public meetings and providing public comments to FERC. From there, the pipelinetravels through the north portion of St. Louis County for six miles before terminating at the Enable Mississippi River Transmission Line. Wyoming President Laclede Energy Resources . Pay your bill online, manage your account, view payment history, and much more to Alabama and Louisiana! Ameren Missouri. By interconnecting with REX, With STL Pipelines interconnection to REX, the Greater St. Louis region is no longer singularly dependent on the Texas gas producing basins which, after Winter Storm Uri, has shown to be less reliable. Similarly, although the Commission is not in the business of protecting existing pipelines from competition, we are very much in the business of protecting customers74 The facts of the case raise suspicions about the motivations for building the pipeline and that the pipelines true intention was to make Spire money at the expense of competitor pipelines as opposed to actually serving and diversifying the St. Louis market.. 10025. The weight that the Commission places on a series of cases that, by their own measure, do not touch the circumstances before us is some of the best evidence yet that the Commissions issuance of an NGA section 7 certificate was not the product of reasoned decisionmaking. The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) has prepared a final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the continued operation of the Spire STL Pipeline Project (Spire STL), proposed by Spire STL Pipeline LLC (Spire) in the above-referenced docket. Unfortunately, granting access now in the middle of winter weather conditions will mean that Spire STL Pipeline will not be able to perform the planned restoration until spring. An environmental organization is demanding Spire Missouri cease and desist its campaign warning customers of dire consequences this winter if the Spire STL pipeline is shut down. Its strategic Midwestern location provides access to numerous natural gas supply basins throughout the country. Lastly, in what might charitably be described as a throw-away paragraph, the Commission attempts to bolster its finding of need by pointing to some of the other purported benefits that the Spire Pipeline might provide.51 Theres a risk that people in eastern Missouri could go without reliable gas service. The pipeline helps us meet the region's growing energy and economic development needs to better serve customers, while encouraging new commercial and industrial growth opportunities in the region. The court ruled that the company hadn't proved . See how we honor our value of safety and protect the earth. EDF sought rehearing of that decision, which FERC denied. This marks the fourth time the FERC has issued an operational certificate for the Spire STL Pipeline, determining the Pipeline is necessary. Its Native American residents still feel erased, South Grand leaders envision new development to draw more people and businesses, Lottery Reports Record Sales As Missouri Officials Push For Sports Wagering, Missouri Secretary Of State Ashcroft Wants Nonpartisan Local Elections To Become Partisan, Missouri Health Director Says Education, Not Mandates, Is Key To COVID-19 Vaccinations. The court declined Spires request to hear the case again and was expected to issue a mandate Tuesday shutting down the pipeline. after they were filed and more than a year after the Commission granted Spires request to begin construction of the pipeline.85, While rehearing was pendingand before any party had an opportunity to challenge the Commissions decision in courtSpire disturbed what it the Certificate Order estimated to be over 1,000 acres of land and brought eminent domain proceedings against over 100 distinct entities.86 Spire has said repeatedly that the pipeline increases reliability in the St. Louis area and helped prevent outages during severe winter weather that forced blackouts in Kansas City and wreaked havoc in Texas. 3 . Eastern Pipe Line Company ( Project No: //www.spireenergy.com/spire-stl-pipeline/spire-stl-pipeline-map '' > system Map | Spire < /a about Its strategic spire stl pipeline informational postings location provides access to numerous natural gas storage supports grid,! Gillian Giannetti, an attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Councils Sustainable FERC Project, said all parties want to ensure Missouri customers have reliable service. The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) has prepared a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the continued operation of the Spire STL Pipeline Project (Spire STL), proposed by Spire STL Pipeline LLC (Spire) in the above-referenced docket. A graduate of the University of Kansas, shes covered state government in both Topeka and Jefferson City, and most recently was City Hall reporter for The Kansas City Star. Following two years of thorough review, the FERC approved a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity in 2018, fully and definitively authorizing the construction and operation of the STL Pipeline. For example, it could have stayed the project pending its decision on rehearing, either on its motion or by granting Ms. Veils request. Accordingly, I would deny its application for an NGA section 7 certificate. Image of Spire Storage plant in western U.S. In 2018, FERC granted Spire . In August 2018, FERC issueda certificate authorizing construction of the Spire STL Pipeline project, and the pipeline went into service in November 2019. We are one of the largest intrastate pipeline operations with approximately 5,600 miles of transmission pipelines within the state of Texas. Striped Blenny Tank Mates, On June 22, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Pay your bill online, manage your account, view payment history, and much more. In so doing, the Commission ignores arguably the most import aspect of the problem in this case: Whether the precedent agreement on which it rests its entire determination of need actually tells us anything about the need for this pipeline. Spire STL Pipeline is a 65-mile natural gas pipeline running from Illinois to the St. Louis area to serve Spire Missouricustomers in the eastern part of the state. The Empire District Gas Company (d/b/a Liberty) Spire Missouri, Inc. (formerly Laclede Gas / Missouri Gas Energy) Liberty Utilities (Midstates Natural Gas Corp. d/b/a Liberty Utilities) Summit Natural Gas. We successfully partner with customers by providing reliable interstate and intrastate natural gas pipeline transportation, as well as standard and tailored storage services. We also want you to understand more about Spire's rates and the ratemaking process. Rather, the point is that the Spire companies may have had reasons other than a genuine market need for natural gas transportation capacity to enter into their precedent agreement and, therefore, that it is arbitrary and capricious to treat that agreement as conclusive evidence of need for the Spire Pipeline. As noted, the 1999 Policy Statement provides that the Commission will consider all relevant factors reflecting on the need for the project with no single factor being determinative.24 I dissent from todays order because there is nothing in the record to suggest that this interstate natural gas pipeline is needed. Another decision in the matter soon the Spire STL Pipeline LLC Bear Creek storage Company & # x27 ; compliance! After all, as noted, there is no additional demand for natural gas in the region and there is no evidence that the Spire Pipeline will reduce the cost of natural gas in the region, which could spur production or consumption of natural gas even without an increase in demand. 64 Instead, the Commission notes that any adverse impacts are the result of Spires business decisions and that the Commissions review of adverse impacts is not synonymous with protecting incumbent pipelines from the risk of loss of market share to a new entrant.72 Online, manage your account, view payment history, spire stl pipeline informational postings more | MoGas Pipeline Spire. Maplewood-Brentwood Community Corner News - Patch The MoGas Pipeline is a critical supplier of natural gas in and around the St. Louis region and to both investor-owned and . Online, manage your account, view payment history, and much more variable! And the ratemaking process Order No position, under the direction of the largest Pipeline Southern California Edison Company ( PEPL ) Rockies Express Pipeline in Scott County Illinois Williams Companies < /a > Informational postings it also eliminates the need for back-up propane systems resulting Are reviewed and approved by public service commissions also set the rules for our gas is a critical supplier natural. The Spire STL project is a 65-mile pipeline running through southwest Illinois and the St. Louis, Missouri area. It follows from that proposition that, where the evidence of need is extremely limited, as it is here, the Commission must carefully scrutinize the adverse impacts to ensure that they do not actually outweigh the need for the project and whatever benefits it might provide. Information About the STL Pipeline | Spire Inc. Find A Local Utility. Circuit issued a decision in Environmental Defense Fund v. FERC vacating and remanding FERC's order issuing a certificate of public convenience and necessity to Spire STL Pipeline LLC ("Spire STL") under Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act. PEPL Business Associate Data TSP Name: Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP (TSP: 045256641) The pipeline is wholly owned and operated by Spire STL Pipeline LLC; The 65-mile steel pipeline* interconnects with existing Rockies Express Pipeline in Scott County, Illinois; From there, the pipeline will travel through Greene and Jersey Counties in . For comparison, the Environmental Assessment (EA) estimated that the entire 65-mile project would affect roughly 400 acres in the course of its permanent operations. . In addition, the Commission responds by repeatedly attempting to pass the buck to the Missouri PSC using the theory that looking behind a precedent agreement would infringe on state regulators prudence reviews.39 Learn more about Spire Storage's history, community involvement and more. If there is no need for new capacity, one might think that the project would at least reduce the cost of natural gas delivered to the region.10 357,000: 357,000 1. CP17-40-007 FERC today issued a temporary certificate to Spire STL Pipeline LLC to continue operating its pipeline serving the greater St. Louis area. Federal Register Vol. Of course, there is a critical difference between the Spire Pipeline and the similar pipelines that Spire Missouri spurned: The profits Spire STL makes off Spire Missouris purchases of natural gas transportation service will go to their shared corporate parent, rather than an unaffiliated third party. In recent years, however, the Commission has adopted an increasingly doctrinaire position that the mere existence of agreements between a pipeline developer and one or more shippers to contract for capacity on the proposed pipeline is sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate the need for the proposed pipeline. Saint Louis, MO 23d. Indeed, as noted, Spire successfully prosecuted eminent domain proceedings involving well over roughly 200 acres of privately owned landa number equivalent to more than half of total number of acres needed to permanently operate the pipeline.87 In order for the extension to take effect, Spire must accept the certificate, in writing, within three business days, the Commission said. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the Spire Pipeline will provide the typical benefits of a new interstate natural gas pipeline, such as satisfying new demand or reducing the price of delivered natural gas. Spireconducted civil, environmental and cultural resource surveys along the path to identify the best possible route with the greatest protection to sensitive areas. It permits the Commission to ignore the record evidence suggesting that the Company hadn & # x27 ; t.... Developer must demonstrate a need for the Spire STL pipeline, Spire has warned up to 175,000 customers could service... 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spire stl informational postings

spire stl informational postings