crystalens class action lawsuit

Unfortunately, it's just a business, an upsell, like leather seats on a car, if you have money to burn go for it since the results in most cases aren't worse, but not really better either, just the card in my wallet says I spent more money than you did, what a sad badge of honor. Since then I have been having problems, black floats, cloudy vision, etching, dry and mostly uncomfortable feeling in my eyes. Has anyone here been his patient? When the doctor came into the exam room he asked "Why are you here?" may be worth checking it out. $8000 lesson that I will pay to Care One for years. (he had looked at all the eye tests I hade IN HIS OFFICE-- I told him my vision was blurry in my left eye and I thought I needed cataract surgery. I questioned the doctor quite extensively as to the lens as had a sister who's doctor strongly discouraged her on getting them. That is what I heard from the "assistant". examination. Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players, Class 2 Device Recall Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens. It felt like he pulled out the sliver that was stuck in my eye for several days, which was the pain I was feeling. Believe me how I wish I could see a clear day even a few day's a week! I need to were sunglasses at work and all the time outside as the light will make my eyes burn. I am so fed up with doctors his response to me was well lets try 2 diff types of glasses and if that doesn't work try a contact lens in one because I have a semi-dilated pupil now. SOLD--Why would I choose to wear glasses for the rest of my life? I am 'WARNING' anyone that is considering this 'STOP' DO NOT have this procedure done! From the beginning my eyesight has been bad, plus after 9 years I still see starbursts and experience a kaleidoscope effect. Now, being told due to 'muscle accommodating need' that this particular lens wasn't a good idea for someone 65. Had crystalens surgery 3 years ago, 6 months later my distance vision was gone, a little over a year ago I contacted Bausch & Lomb, makers of the crystalens, with no avail, they said nothing wrong with crystalens, ever since then my eyes have been very sensitive to sunlight, this year it is difficult to be outdoors and even driving, I have to continuously close my eyes while I am driving and just out in sun for a short time, I am a very active person, driving everywhere, no sunglasses help, sometimes they make problem worse. I am 62 but very healthy and active. Of course they cost $600. I had Crystalense about 4 yrs ago in both eyes. Right off, due to Astigmatism and bad eye muscle tone in the past, I should have never been given an accommodating type IOL (Crystalens). Constant blinking to focus on near, intermediate tolerable..with fluctuationsafter the 2 surgery and Yag nite driving a nitemare! Paid double the price of regular cataract surgery lenses. I am trying so hard to get this Crystal lens situation and results exposed, with whom ever is with me? The Crystal Light Synthetic Ingredient Class Action Lawsuit is Noohi v. The Kraft Heinz Company, Case No. No change. My vision with cataracts was steadily getting worse with everything appearing gray or brown. When I answered "distance" he sneered at me. I would love to boast and encourage others to have ReSTOR procedure done but after my experience I would not wish this on anyone! Boy was I wrong! Only good news is I don't have floaters or halos. Now I can't drive at night and it is difficult to work because of my vision. I would be interested in a class action lawsuit against Bausch & LombPissed! Ever since the next morning after surgery. islamic storeonline ;. The last time I saw the doctor, he stated that, "I guess you are one of the fifteen percent for whom the Crystalens doesn't work." I paid $3450/eye extra. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you personalised advertising. Class action lawsuits are found in every state, but states like California, New York, Florida, New Jersey and Texas tend to have the highest number of class action complaints filed in America. How do we launch a class action lawsuit? This new implant, approved by the FDA in 2009, uses diffractive rings on its posterior surface to maximize clear images at all ranges of vision. I also had the YAG procedure after a few months but that procedure did not improve my vision whatsoever. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. An example of how my vision is doing since the procedure (1) like how your eye's feel blurry when you've been in a heavily chlorinated pool. Unfortunately, it has popped out again and again and still is not correct. Im 70 years old and I couldn't be happier with the vision Crystalens has given back to me. The deterioration of my eye sight is so acute that the eye surgeon delayed the lazer tretment today and sent me to a macular specialist. Apparently no one cares but us. When I finally got in for the the second eye I noticed it had average distance and just enough vision to read this webpage but a bit blurry. I am a 45 year old male and got Crystalens in both eyes in May (separated 2 weeks apart). both eye's ache constantly! The lawyers say I can not sue the doctor unless he made a mistake. If I knew then what I know now. : Expiration Date:11-699865 to 11-699951 01/14/201611-699952 to 11-700027 01/14/2016. I wish I had taken action that first year against the doctor and lense manufacturer. They were fixable but I had had it so I returned them to the office that had provided them. dr. ih. Ive only had these for seven years and was never told that they could NOT be removed. He saidi the lens was tilted and that it had to come out. I then went to a Costco optometrist and they made me reading glasses with a bifocal. SN: 12149995023 Save your money folks don't do it. Serial No. About 5k out of pocket. Laser surgery is next. They were rimless, I had another pair previously and had never had a problem with their fitting, but they couldn't put their lenses in my old frames. dc. He is well aware of the problems with good solutions. I think a class action suit is very justified. I use special drops all day long. Thank you! This whole problem started after I had LASIK. Thirty-four plaintiffs filed claims involving 47 PIOL implants Share Philips CPAP Recall Lawsuit Xarelto (Rivaroxaban) Drug Side Effects ClassAction Lawsuit. His exact words were; I will have you reading a restaurant menu at arms length with minimal lighting. DON'T GET A CRYSTALENS, Don't believe the hype. They ask you to look into a box and read the letters to them. Yoyo. She suffered with poor vision at all distances and was so light sensitive that she had to sit in a dark room with sunglasses and could not go outside except on very cloudy days. And if this all fails then he will change both to far 6 weeks later. Anyway, back to my Crystalens complaint. Go on FDA recalls with Crystal lens Bausch and Lomb. I wanted to wait to do the 2nd eye but was SOLD to get it done as it would help my brain adjust. Additionally, a Recall Acknowledgement Form was attached to the letter for customers to complete and return with the affected products. I will not go back to Dr. * in Charlotte! I had a Crystalens implanted in my left eye in October 2011, and can see good up close and intermediate..but my distance vision sucks! The Crystalens is intended for primary implantation in the capsular bag of the It can be challenging a come with a lot of head aches. Then I went to another opthalmologist who said he did not use the Bosch & Lomb lens. PLEASE do not have this surgery unless you are very desperate--do your research on other lenses before you do this or get the standard lens and take your chances with having to wear glasses. There should be a law against these optometristsmy dr. practice got a legal warning and fined for making promises and statements referring the Crystalens implant that are just not trueit's all about the money isnt it. Also he left me with an irregular astigmatism in my left eye. Her vision degraded to 20/200. If I knew it would be worse, I wouldn't have got the surgery done in the first place! The ophthalmologist said they dont even sell these lens in their practice because of the terrible results. In fact, she said, my dad is getting his done next week. Also, eye technology is still growing, and a few mishaps may be a required step for research to go forward, and try to develop better products for the far future. Now, my far vision is blurry again too. This was all about removing cataracts, and the song and dance for the Crytalens was loud and reassuring. I am 'WARNING' anyone that is considering this 'STOP' DO NOT have this procedure done! The only plus is that colors are brighter. Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens PMA No. The Doctor said everything was ok with my eye and can't figure out why my left eye (for near vision) wont focus. I'm in the same boat. I went with this eye surgeon because of extensive advertising. I finally gave up with him and pursued help from other ophthalmologists but to no avail . Some days worse than others and am not able to function normally. I would be willing to go through all again forever just to get the************** out of my eye's. I don't know about class action lawsuit, but do know I am an inch away to talking to a lawyer! I mean $11, 000. I am getting worried - had the Crystalens for cataract surgery in both eyes. jr. I wake up almost every morning and my eyes are pink, and swollen. argh. Now the distance in my right eye is getting worst, is so fussy! Yet I "was a good candidate" I paid $6, 000 because my insurance would not pay anything on the lens if I chose anything other than the standard. This company cannot continue to sell defective products and ignore I would not wish this on my worse enemy! I regret it to this day! I'm very sensitive to light, glare for night driving is still present and left vision is 20/50. Dr. said that a membrane sometime grows in back of the eye. I have also lost my near vision, I went from being able to read my computer on the 1st week of surgery to having to wear cheaters at 1.0 and now 2.0. I cannot see well enough to take the test. He believes her body rejected or was allergic to the material in the Crystalens. Patients will be eligible for a rebate of up to $250 per eye. I used to do the ****** procedure has introduced this procedure to many Dr's. He did a laser surgery that day and put it back in place. It has made my life so miserable. It was still hurting and could not see. She totally misrepresented as she is actually the senior class representative for ESIS on behalf of Ace American Insurance company. I wear a patch quite often over my right eye, especially when trying to read, because it is so distorted. What a blatant lie. My original surgeon that I paid $8000 to, over and above my insurance coverage, on my follow up basically slapped me on my butt and said see you in year? There needs to be a law suite on the Crystal Lens! I flew to Oklahoma City from Denver to spend a month helping her and talking with specialists. Bausch and Lomb takes no responsibility. Doc says the lens is stuck in a forward position. I went to two doctors and both said I would not be able to correct it with LASIK. ( Id.) A new doctor gives me prescriptions for Nevanac. I feel like I'm going blind and don't know what to do. Bausch and Lomb tells you that you are a candidate even if you have an astigmatism. Since the vision is not all that bad I can't seem to get anyone to understand the issue. My doctor asked if I needed glasses post-surgery, would I rather wear glasses to see distances or for close work. I had Crystal lens put in both eyes in 2014 by a Doctor who was an expert in his field. She has 1 one eye and needed cataract surgery. I think Bausch and Lomb should reimburse me for this disaster! I cannot see near and distance vision is blurry. The visions in-between the far and mid, mid and close do not do well! The eye traces were covered under my insurance, however I PAID $3300.00 per eye for my Symfony lenses. Did need the other eye. Went with Crystalens AT-50AO with advise of Dr., as this would be best for my eyes, with the conditions he diagnosed, glaucoma, blephrospasm and chronic dry eye. One of the worst decisions in my life. So far, the plaintiffs who filed the lawsuit have lost one court battle and one motion. My eyes were very dry after my LASIK surgery. DON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCTS / NOT ANY OF THEM // NOT EVEN DROPS! Crystal Light Class Action Filed; Allegations Over Artificial Flavors. Your password has been sent to the specified email address. Eagle Eye Consultants Inc Needless to say, I am very sorry that I paid $4700 for the Crystalens lenses. Me too. Wish I knew someone that could help me! I am crossing my fingers for the October appointment but have my doubts. At the time even the finance guy was in on the deception. So many complaints about Crystalens and nothing is being done by the FDA. So, what is the failure ratio of surgery using Cristalens implants ? I am in three choirs. Have you priced ********, it did not help my problem! My ophthalmologist has very good credentials but you are only as good as the product you represent. The eye surgeon denies everything, of course. I was shocked to learn about the miracle lenses--not paid for my Medicare--hat I could buy-- I thought I was just getting regular Medicare cataract operation--I was sold on the CrystaLens--she told me that I would have full vision the lens adjusts for distance-computer reading and for reading-- and I MIGHT need glasses--AT NIGHT--Reading a Menue--in a dark restaurant-- if I got both eyes fixed with these miracle lenses. Contact Bausch + Lomb at 949-521-7895 for questions regarding this recall.. Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens, AT-50AO. Within a week I experienced a horrible stabbing pain in my eye. After talking with the doctor about my lifestyle, outdoor enthusiasts, private pilot, this lens appeared to be the best choice (good midrange and distant vision with some decrease in very close vision). His comments on Crystalens come at the end. When looking at the label on the shelf and can not read anything on it is too blurry! Why would they need to do this if they were accommodation lenses? I made the mistake of not getting bifocals. Glasses are a way of life after wearing contacts for years. Want to start a class action against Bausch Lomb for the crystalens? This is our justice system allowing the buddy system doctors to now be "judges" and "judges" of their own industry.. I wish I had never gotten these lenses. A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit accusing Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, of violating U.S. securities I never received any notification at all regarding this. Crystalens - Do not have this lens put in your eye. To add to frustration I compare my vision to my sibling vision and they can read text even smaller then I can and see just as far, and they only have the soft lenses. I had this surgery 3/20/16, the results are I cant read large print at an arms length, my 84 year old mom reads much better than I can and she has the standard distant lens. By the way, I am 72 years of age presently and had glasses for the first time at age 42, at first for near-sightedness and about 10 years later for reading up close. Anteriorly flexed Crystalens. The receptionist asked me to fill out a questionaire asking me to rate my personality from easy-going to perfectionist and some other strange questions. I can not wait to go to bed so my eyes will be closed and I do not have to deal with it. Sarah R. London I don't fly any more because I am retired but have always been critical of my vision. Anybody had good experience or heard of good experience w YAG procedure. AT LEAST YOU WILL HAVE SOME DECENT VISION. Im 2016 had it implanted. This time I used frames that I already owned, so they only charged me for the exam and the lenses. There are some issues do deal with, glare is always a problem with implants so good polarized sunglasses are needed outside. I am starting to feel that the Crystalens is another way for the Eye Dr. to make big money since they get paid almost nothing from insurance and medicare. And I am sorry I spent the $6000 extra. I am a health professional and felt I could advocate for her. More I panics me to think I will have this for life. I did it and nothing has changed! An example of how my vision is doing since the procedure (1) like when you've been in a heavily chlorinated pool. Due to problems I was kept going to Dr. Office ,Dr. Said he needs to do mini laser correction right after hah two, left eye had one surgeries and was told to go back to Dr. Office with in a year unless I have problems worsen. A new pair of reading glasses, and a pair that allows me to drive at night without glare interfering with my vision. I have them in all 4 ducts! They made one eye close up and one eye for distance. I had Crystalens implanted in both eyes in 2012. USE GLASSES FOR CLOSE AND GET USED TO IT. SO What if I have it replaced? I have NO DISTANCE in my Crystalens left eye and I paid $3,400 for this--WARNING--DO NOT GET SOLD on this Crystalens! Her vision is worse than before. I need cheaters to do everything close up especially at work. They pretty much talked me into these crystalens, promising that I would be able to focus in and out, see far away as well as near and mid-range without the need of glasses or reading glasses, so I paid an extra $3500 for it, but it was much more than that in total, considering what my insurance paid. I had Crystalens put in both eyes and they suck. I am looking for a Class action lawsuit against Bausch & Lomb for Crystalens and if there isn't one I would like to start one. This Dr. I regret using the crystalens. So now I can read the computer for a few hours with blurring with the left eye-if I close my right eye it is clearer. These lens had recalls as well, check FDA website..and yes Dr that was positioning them manually if put in wrong, they will never admit itmine tilted permanently..left eye has been in distrest for over 5 yrs nowsupposedly I went to the bestyes the best Dr in South Fla to rip you off, cost me 12, 000! My vision is now 20/200 in rt eye. Any lawyers out there? Paid an additional $3000. I could not see them well enough to identify them So made some guesses and they said good enough. Post-op follow up was turned over to an optometrist. It's like being inside a Christmas tree. In other words, his work was done. 1-800-332-1088. 2:19-cv-10658-DSF-SK, in the U.S. District Court for the Ten percent of respondents say they use the Crystalens AO (average number/month: 2; I have to wear glasses and have halos, starbursts and blurred vision. I need more people, I'lll try and make some legal phone calls for free advise, I need a lawyer, someone pro bono .. any other suggestions? Also, I want these replaced ASAP so I would love to know if anyone has done this and who they were able to get to preform the surgery.. My 81 y.o. My vision is either out of focus most of the time or blurry due to inflammation. When looking at the label on the shelf and can not read anything on it is too blurry! Multiple surgeries later and scar tissue forming has me rethinking my choice. Accommodation is a JOKE. I would be happy to help with the class action lawsuit. This is my second complaint and I have not heard anything. I complained to Bausch & Lomb over a year ago, all they say is nothing wrong with the crystalens, I think there is strength in numbers, everyone who has had a problem with the crystalens should form a group and then we can get together and bring a suit against the maker and the Doctors make you believe this is the best thing out there. A 45-year-old female patient was diagnosed with cataracts OU and underwent an uncomplicated cataract surgery OD with placement of a Crystalens. My distance vision is fair, mid range ok, near vision requires reading glasses. After two years it is totally unbearable to look at a computer screen for longer than three minutes. I did not hear those statistics before the surgery. Soooo much can go wrong trying to fix this including LASIK which is much like the liar ### who do Crystalens! I had problems from the start. I had Crystalens implanted in 2006, possibly the first patient in Texas. What the hell does that mean anyway? She needs glasses to see. I needed reading glasses for just about everything close up. Looks like the doctor picked out the wrong lenses and now i can see ok far somewhat intermediate and not at all close. I am now about 3 weeks out of surgery and am being told that they can LASER my eye to correct the sight. My doctor put me in the 1% failure catagory to justify his greed. I'm wearing glasses to help but vision is still not good. I can see far away but anything in between and close is awful. I too had crystalens sales pitch, they won!! Worse enemy you to look at a computer screen for longer than three minutes up was over... Appointment but have always been critical of my life how my vision is 20/50 dry mostly. Is very justified floats, cloudy vision, etching, dry and uncomfortable. To show you personalised advertising night driving is still present and left vision is fair, mid close... with fluctuationsafter the 2 surgery and YAG nite driving a nitemare class action against Bausch & LombPissed a that! 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crystalens class action lawsuit

crystalens class action lawsuit